About AGG

Dated back
to 1951

Allied Grape Growers (AGG) is a grower-owned winegrape marketing association. In short, we sell winegrapes to buyers of all kinds throughout California. We represent approximately 500 grape growers, performing the task of negotiating for the sale of their grapes on their behalf.

AGG is the leader in understanding supply-side dynamics in the California winegrape sector and uses that expertise to maximize results for our grower-members’ as well as work with our buyers to properly plan for their ever-changing supply needs.

AGG also provides year-round services for our growers with regard to viticulture advice, market updates, advocacy and more. We serve as a liaison in the grower/vintner relationship, working together with our grape buyers and growers to maximize results for both.

As part of AGG’s benefits we provide growers with quick crop payment, while simultaneously working with buyers to accommodate their cash-flow requirements. AGG pays our growers just days following completion of harvest but also offers the option to defer payment for tax mitigation. AGG also may provide crop advances upon request, and we are sensitive to the cash flow challenges experienced by smaller grape buyers when negotiating grape purchase agreements.

Aside from the practical day-to-day benefits AGG provides growers and buyers, we have a proven history of wine industry involvement and leadership.

AGG is closely involved with the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG), the Wine Institute (via the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance) and many regional winegrape grower associations, for the purpose of working collaboratively toward California wine industry success. AGG also holds positions on the Winegrape Inspection Advisory Board and within the PD/GWSS Advisory Board.

learn how you can profit from working with allied grape growers!