Meet the Team

Our Dedicated Staff

As you will see from the following biographies, many of Allied Grape Growers’ staff are people who come from grape growing backgrounds. There are no better people to serve the owners (growers) of a grape grower cooperative than those that have grape growing experience themselves, knowing the challenges that growers face.

Jeff Bitter

Irene Ybarra (2)

Irene Ybarra

Manager of Accounting & Administration
Karl Lehman

Karl Lehman

Director of Central Valley Operations
Chad Clark

Chad Clark

Director of North Coast Operations

Kevin Rogers

Manager of North Coast Grower and Vintner Relations

Kyle Collins

Manager of North Valley Operations

Alesia Zion


Ed Nikssarian

Central Valley Grower Relations

Tim Mendonca

South Valley Grower Relations

Joe Osterman

North Valley Grower Relations

Pam Bond

North Coast Operations Support

Dianna Short

Operations Administrator

Marcia Silva

Office Administrator

learn how you can profit from working with allied grape growers!